Scatter Chart

Some examples of how to use the ScatterChart component


import { CustomTooltip, data } from "@tailus-ui/visualizations";
import { ResponsiveContainer, ScatterChart, Scatter, Tooltip, CartesianGrid } from 'recharts';

export const ScatterOverview = () => {
    return (
        <div className="h-72 max-w-xl w-full" data-shade="900">
            <ResponsiveContainer width="100%" height="100%">
                <ScatterChart data={data}>

                        cursor={{ stroke: 'var(--ui-border-color)', strokeWidth: 1 }}
                            <CustomTooltip payload={[]} active fancy label={""}/>


                    <Scatter fill="var(--dv-primary)" dataKey="Primary" />

With Line

import { CustomTooltip, data } from "@tailus-ui/visualizations";
import { ResponsiveContainer, ScatterChart, Scatter, Tooltip, CartesianGrid } from 'recharts';

export const ScatterOverview = () => {
    return (
        <div className="h-72 w-full max-w-xl" data-shade="900">
            <ResponsiveContainer width="100%" height="100%">
                <ScatterChart data={data}>
                    <Tooltip cursor={{ stroke: 'var(--ui-border-color)', strokeWidth: 1 }} content={<CustomTooltip payload={[]} active fancy label={''} />} />

                    <CartesianGrid stroke="var(--ui-border-color)" strokeDasharray={3} />

                    <Scatter line fill="var(--dv-primary)" dataKey="Primary" />

Two Y-Axis

import { ResponsiveContainer, ScatterChart, Scatter, Tooltip, XAxis, YAxis, CartesianGrid } from 'recharts';
import { CustomTooltip, legendText } from '@tailus-ui/visualizations';

const data01 = [
    { x: 100, y: 200, z: 200 },
    { x: 120, y: 100, z: 260 },
    { x: 170, y: 300, z: 400 },
    { x: 140, y: 250, z: 280 },
    { x: 150, y: 400, z: 500 },
    { x: 110, y: 280, z: 200 }

const data02 = [
    { x: 300, y: 300, z: 200 },
    { x: 400, y: 500, z: 260 },
    { x: 200, y: 700, z: 400 },
    { x: 340, y: 350, z: 280 },
    { x: 560, y: 500, z: 500 },
    { x: 230, y: 780, z: 200 },
    { x: 500, y: 400, z: 200 },
    { x: 300, y: 500, z: 260 },
    { x: 240, y: 300, z: 400 },
    { x: 320, y: 550, z: 280 },
    { x: 500, y: 400, z: 500 },
    { x: 420, y: 280, z: 200 }

export const ScatterOverview = () => {
    return (
        <div className="h-72 w-full max-w-xl" data-shade="900">
            <ResponsiveContainer width="100%" height="100%">
                    <XAxis className="text-caption" fontSize={12} tickLine={false} axisLine={false} type="number" dataKey="x" name="stature" unit="cm" stroke="var(--caption-text-color)" />

                    <YAxis className="text-caption" fontSize={12} tickLine={false} axisLine={false} yAxisId="left" type="number" dataKey="y" name="weight" unit="kg" stroke="var(--caption-text-color)" />

                    <YAxis fontSize={12} tickLine={false} axisLine={false} yAxisId="right" type="number" dataKey="y" name="weight" unit="kg" orientation="right" stroke="var(--caption-text-color)" />

                    <Legend formatter={legendText} iconSize={8} iconType="circle" />
                    <Tooltip cursor={{ stroke: 'var(--ui-border-color)', strokeWidth: 1 }} content={<CustomTooltip payload={[]} active fancy label={''} />} />

                    <CartesianGrid stroke="var(--ui-border-color)" strokeDasharray={3} />

                    <Scatter fill="var(--dv-primary)" yAxisId="left" name="A school" data={data01} />
                    <Scatter fill="var(--dv-secondary)" yAxisId="right" name="B school" data={data02} />